FREE – Rolling Stock Inventory Spread Sheet

Some years ago I decided to take inventory of my valuable collection and update it as I purchased or built new items. I used Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet that maintains lists of wagons, coaches and locomotives. I then used formulae to create a summary page and some graphical charts. You too can use this utility to maintain an inventory of your own collection.
Rolling Stock Inventory Graphic

This approach is useful for keeping track of what you have. And would be invaluable if selling your collection, or if someone else had to sell your collection.

I also wrote an article about this in the Australian Model Railway Magazine. (AMRM #270. June 2008. Page 33).

If you would like a copy of the article I wrote, as well as a copy of the spread sheet template please email me ( to receive your free, no obligation copy.

Please note that Control Panel Designs may email with you with other offers from time to time.

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